Fournisseurs Professionnels


Ressources de soins aux Aînés Montréal


5 Myths About Retirement Homes

There is often a misconception about retirement homes that discourages retirees from leaving their current homes and settling into residences catered to making their lives simpler. Many times, the concern with living in a retirement home is caused by the fear of being abandoned, feeling restricted and on someone else’s schedule, or it simply not feeling like “home”.


The following are five myths about retirement homes that discourage individuals from pursuing a lifestyle that can be quite relaxing and enjoyable.


The Food Quality is Terrible

This is a very big stereotype about retirement communities that is quite false. It is assumed that the food offered in retirement homes is bland and lacks nutritional value. This is far from the truth. Diets are modified for each individual’s needs and preferences, however everyone within the home receives a well-balanced nutritional meal. Some homes might not offer meals because the residents within the retirement complex are perhaps more independant and have their own kitchens within their private apartments.


The Staff is Mean and Not Caring

This is another major stereotype about retirement homes that is false. Over the last few years, more and more news stories have come about that discuss the maltreatment of seniors within homes. It’s always best to do some research on a home, or for further peace of mind, talk to the residents of the complex to hear their first-hand experience with the staff. Most of the workers within retirement homes are trained healthcare professionals who take pride in their work and truly care for people’s wellbeing. For homes where the residents are more independent and require little to no assistance, the staff is usually made up of security attendants and building managers whose interests are ensuring the best quality of living for the residents and the facility , and of course, are always on hand to assist the residents in any way they can.


Restricted Visiting Hours

Residents in retirement homes have the right to allow visitors whenever they please. The residence is in-turn their home, and they can therefore welcome and accommodate their guests at any time. Some residences require guests to sign-in to ensure the safety and security of other residents and guests. There are always some exceptions, for example, if the residence is an assisted-living facility, the guests may have restricted visiting hours so that the resident of the complex can rest and recuperate.


The Living Quarters and Surroundings are Dreary

All retirement homes are different and every individual has their own needs and wants for a retirement community. Budget and around-the-clock care are some concerns individuals may have when selecting a residence. Perhaps some people enjoy walking or biking, and prefer to select a residence that is near a park or more urban area. Others may like more peaceful surroundings and would be better suited selecting a residence in a rural setting.


The Retirement Home Doesn’t Feel Like “Home”

This is perhaps one of the most feared sentiments a retiree faces when deciding to relocate to a retirement home. Moving is always a huge life-changing event and it is important to make sure that the individual will feel comfortable and safe within their new dwelling. Take the time to research the retirement homes you might want to live in and their surrounding areas. If possible, visit the complex to get a feel of the place to see if it’s the right fit. There are many websites available that provide resources for retirement living and has great information for selecting the right home for your needs. Some websites provide several listings for retirement homes, based on the type of care you may want or need.


Though in the past there has been some stigma surrounding retirement homes, care and services have drastically changed over time. Retirement homes today are more like niche communities where individuals engage in similar lifestyles, have similar interests and are generally a place where socializing is easier. With the help of monitors and coordinators, community events are often planned to ensure that every individual has the chance to enjoy their time amongst great company, all the while being in the comfort of their own home.


Thank’s to   Melinda Hemsley   – Auteur