Fournisseurs Professionnels


Ressources de soins aux Aînés Montréal


Alive Inside Official Trailer 1 (2014) – Alzheimer’s

Click in the link for trailer preview

Help Spread the Music

and Give New Life to Someone You Love

No one wants to end up alone and isolated in a nursing home. It’s hard enough to lose someone you love to Alzheimer’s or other forms of dementia. It’s terrifying to think you could end up there yourself, someday.

But there’s reason to hope for a better life as we age. At MUSIC & MEMORY℠, we help elders in care facilities suffering from a wide range of cognitive and physical challenges find renewed meaning and connection in their lives through the gift of personalized music.

Beloved Music Can Renew Lives Lost to Dementia

Our approach is simple, elegant and effective: We train elder care professionals how to set up personalized music playlists, delivered on iPods and other digital devices, for those in their care. These musical favorites tap deep memories not lost to dementia and can bring residents and clients back to life, enabling them to feel like themselves again, to converse, socialize and stay present.

Music & Memory’s work is rooted in extensive neuroscience research. The results can be nothing short of miraculous.

Meet Henry, who suffered from dementia for a decade and barely said a word to anyone—until Music & Memory set up an iPod program at his nursing home:


The Therapeutic Benefits of Personalized Music

Henry’s remarkable re-awakening is not unique. In hundreds of MUSIC & MEMORY℠ Certified Care Facilities throughout the U.S. and Canada, we’ve helped thousands of residents struggling from dementia and other chronic cognitive and physical impairments reconnect with family, friends and caregivers through our personalized digital music program.

Our ongoing research and evaluation of Music & Memory’s work in elder care facilities shows consistent results:

  • Residents are happier and more social.
  • Relationships among staff, residents and family deepen.
  • Everyone benefits from a calmer, more supportive social environment.
  • Staff regain valuable time previously lost to behavior management issues.
  • There is growing evidence that a personalized music program gives professionals one more tool in their effort to reduce reliance on anti-psychotic medications.

Help Us Reach More People Like Henry

Our goal is to make this miraculous form of personalized therapeutic music the gold standard in elder care facilities throughout the U.S. and beyond—and train family caregivers to bring personalized digital music to their loved ones at home.

There are millions like Henry struggling to escape the isolation of dementia. Please help them feel alive again through MUSIC & MEMORY℠.